A School for Parents starts meeting in the Markovo Tepe Mall



Mall Markovo Tepe - level +1, next to Asics Store


One of the most successful schools for parents – ‘My child’, starts to meet in Markovo Tepe Mall. Once a month, parents and parents-to-be from Plovdiv and the region will be able to receive useful and interesting information related to the birth and upbringing of a child.

For over 9 years, the school for parents ‘My Child’ has been part of the preparation of hundreds of families across the country expecting their first or next baby. The lectures are free of charge, convenient for pregnant women and mothers. Water, gifts from partners and a complimentary set of magazines are provided by SBB Media.


For the usefulness and completeness of the information received by future parents, the organizers rely on:

Proven obstetrician-gynecologists, experienced midwives, pediatricians, neonatologists, rehabilitators, human resources specialists, first aid instructors and more.

Leader-consultants from the International Breastfeeding Support Organization La Leche League, Bulgaria.

The largest pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies on the market.

The program for the ‘My Child’ school for parents at Markovo Tepe Mall:

05.03 – Feeding the baby

02.04 – First aid for baby and child

07.05 – Maternity leave

04.06 – Baby counseling

02.07 – Birth – natural or C-section. Types of anesthesia. Recovery

06.08 – Breastfeeding. Problems and solutions. Benefits and importance

03.09 – Newborn care

01.10 – Feeding the baby

05.11 – First aid for baby and child

03.12 – Maternity leave


Meeting times: 10 am-12pm

Location: level +1, next to Asics Store

For more information about the meetings, follow the website www.moetodete.bg, as well as the Facebook page for My Child’s Parents and Mall Markovo Tepe.

We are expecting you!
