Created in 1993, ART-93 is closely specialized in the production and trade of leather goods and accessories. We are the undisputed leader on the Bulgarian market in the production of leather belts, wallets, bags, corsets, gloves, etc. Good quality and relatively low prices help us to develop in new and ever-distant markets. The confidence built and the need for new items makes us look for, select and offer new products with our logo, for the quality of which we guarantee. We offer luxury accessories – umbrellas, ties, lighters, keychains, manicures and others of leading companies in the industry made especially for us.
The products of Art-93 are made of high-quality materials. The qualifications and experience of the staff of all levels, as well as modern technologies, determine the high quality of the finished products, recognized with many certificates and awards: “Gold Medal” – International Fair Plovdiv; “Silver Lion” – Made in Bulgaria, 1998; Medal for 1st place – “Choose Bulgarian” 2003. and many others.